CCC HSXC Results!
Bradi Keller-1st team all conference
Anna Russell-1st team all conference
Emily spalding-2nd team all conference
Audri Youngblood-2nd team all conference
Brady McNeill-2nd team all conference
Girls Golf Results!
CCC Golf Match
Camryn Hays & Ava Potterfield both were 2nd Team CCC
Golf Today!
MS & HSXC Meet Day!
CCC XC Championships
JV Football Game Day!
Weekly Schedule
Thank you Class of 1974 & 1994 for touring our facilities. Is always great to have our alumni come back to visit us#mcpride
MS Softball finishes the season with a victory! Congratulations girls and coaches!
Softball Final
Lady Panthers earn 3rd Place!
Audri Youngblood with a grand slam & 6 RBI's!
Softball Final
3rd place game at 3pm
Softball Wins in 1st Round of Schuyler Tourney
Next Game: 1:30pm
Softball Game Day
CCC Tournament
Softball Game Day!
Football Final
Mayors Cup stays in MC!
We R MC#mcpride
7th grade won the Panther Plaque Trophy for having the fewest Tardies over the last 3 weeks of school. Congratulations, 7th grade!
Lead day pictures from content creators
HSXC Results from Moberly XC Invite
Football Game Day!
Homecoming & Mayor's Cup Rivalry Game
Softball Final
V 2-1 Canton, JV 1-0 Canton