Boys District Basketball: Monroe City defeats Louisiana 48-42 #MCPRIDE
Girls District Basketball: Monroe City falls to Macon 47-39
The following Monroe City students participated in District Junior High Honor Band on 2/17–Addiline Smith, Kiersten Pfaff, Allison Richardson, Keaton Sapp, and Ethan Moss.
Varsity girls fall to Macon 62-56.
Varsity boys defeat Macon 46-32.
There are a lot of MCHS students displaying their talents today! #MCPRIDE
Congrats to homecoming king and queen Gabe Creel and Perri Dimmitt!
The JV basketball teams wrapped up their season in Centralia last night. Great job to both the girls and boys teams this year! #MCPRIDE
Schedule Update: Tonight's Basketball Games vs Macon have been postponed until tomorrow at 2pm. Please see post for details on schedule of events.
Reminder - NO SCHOOL Monday 2/19/24 - President's Day
Happy School Resource Officer day, Officer Bias! Thanks for all you do!
MSHSAA Class 3 District 6 Girls Basketball Bracket
MSHSAA Class 3 District 6 Boys Basketball Bracket
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Varsity Boys defeat Brookfield 69-36. #MCPRIDE
JV Girls Basketball: Monroe City falls to Brookfield 27-26
Varsity Lady Panthers defeat Brookfield 34-22. #MCPRIDE
JV Boys Basketball: Monroe City defeats Brookfield 52-40 #MCPRIDE